It was through my mother that I was introduced to the work of William Morris. Initially it was his beautiful designs that really caught my attention. His flowing yet precise patterns featuring intricate plants and flowers truly inspire me. After studying the Arts and Crafts movement, I began learning more about him, his life, and his ideologies.  The more I read the more I realised his beliefs resonated with me. Here was someone I could relate to.  

I was raised by the most loving parents, grandparents and aunts and uncles who enjoyed working with their hands and valued the things they had. Throughout my life, I have been surrounded by gorgeous quilts, handmade clothes, freshly picked flowers, home-cooked food, hand-crocheted doilies and rugs, intricate lathe-turned wooden lamps, and furniture. Everything had a purpose and was cherished. My house is filled with precious hand-made items. It is through our creations that the history of my family is kept alive and passed on to future generations. These items will always connect us together.  


From a young age I appreciated and understood the value and the beauty of creating

William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Philosophy

My Surface Pattern Design Journey

My lifelong obsession with sewing had resulted in a rather large stash of fabric. After a trip to visit my brother in the States in 2018 I came home with even more fabric. There were so many gorgeous fabrics out there and I could only justify owning a certain amount. Shortly after returning from our trip, I started a small business selling patchwork fabric and handmade goods online. I could then enjoy owning much more fabric legitimately! By identifying the various fabric manufacturers, and consequently my suppliers, it dawned on me that someone was designing the patterns on the fabrics I was buying. It hadn’t occurred to me before. I was intrigued as to how to be one of those lucky people that could say they were a fabric designer. It was then that I discovered the art of surface pattern design. 
I have always enjoyed drawing and designing and excelled in art in my senior studies but had chosen to pursue a career in primary education. Even then, I loved hand-drawing the worksheets I prepared for my students. After taking a few online courses, completing Bonnie Christine’s Immersion course in 2022 and taking 12 months to enjoy learning surface design I realised I'd found my passion.
I now know what it’s like to live my dream.
I gain inspiration from the beautiful plants and flowers in my gardens on the beautiful acre where we live and the places I’ve been lucky to experience through my travels. My designs are a true reflection of my life.

Singleton by Green Acre Designs 2022

Acanthus by William Morris 1875

Scroll by William Morris 1871