I’m Blogging!

  1. Annette says:

    Hey, Allison,
    Well done re your blog. Beautifully set out and your artwork is inspiring. I can well see your fascination with surface patterns.
    So nice to see your photo too.
    What a beautiful surround you have, blissfully peaceful I would imagine. Looking forward to seeing your growth as an artist

    • Alison Ashbourne says:

      Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I’m very lucky to live here. It’s very a very peaceful, inspirational place to be. I wouldn’t live anywhere else (except Tasmania perhaps!)

  2. Vicki says:

    I’ve just had a lovely time looking over your website. Your designs are lovely and so well presented. Thank you for sharing your journey. Wishing you good luck and well deserved success as a surface pattern designer.

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